Update Six

Team Effort

Once Ukrainians cross over into Poland, their collective sense of relief is palpable.  That relief, however, comes in waves of mixed emotions – from hope that they’ll be able to return home in a few weeks’ time to despair at the uncertain future that awaits loved ones left behind.  While the relative safety of Poland is a welcome reprieve from the stress and anxiety of reaching the border, navigating the innumerable routes into broader Europe requires a team effort.  During several Project Blue Shield operations to facilitate onward travel, we’ve seen firsthand just how many individual enablers are coming together to ensure individuals can get from Point A to Point B.  Polish police officers, carrying luggage for road weary Ukrainians…  Individual volunteers deciphering train schedules and booking flights…  Airport security officials keeping planes at the gate to ensure Ukrainian travellers don’t miss their flight to a new European city. 

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