Supporting the People
of Ukraine

Blue Shield began within hours of the invasion of Ukraine. We have deployed teams to the Polish and Ukrainian border, including experts in logistics, communications, intelligence analysts and medical support.

The situation on the border is chaotic, and large NGOs have been slow in mounting an adequate response. Countless local organisations and individuals are doing their best to support the refugee influx but lack experience and capacity.

We have made significant strides in supporting these efforts by expanding and enhancing their capabilities. Providing infrastructure, process, and supplies. And we shall continue to do so as the situation unfolds.

Our core mission is to: IDENTIFY, DISRUPT & BLOCK human traffickers from freely exploiting the ongoing crisis. At present we have intercepted multiple attempts by traffickers to kidnap vulnerable young women and children. To do this we have intelligence analysts drawn from the military, law enforcement and child exploitation charities who fuse this information into actionable intelligence. This can then be shared with the vulnerable refugees, local, regional and national authorities, along with big tech firms.




Feel free to contact us with any questions or requests.